Publication Details




Parallel Delaunay mesh generation kernel


Nikos Chrisochoides and Demian Nave.


Published in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Volume 58, pages 161 -- 176, 2003




We present the results of an evaluation study on the re-structuring of a latency-bound mesh generation algorithm into a latency-tolerant parallel kernel. We use concurrency at a fine-grain level to tolerate long, variable, and unpredictable latencies of remote data gather operations required for parallel guaranteed quality Delaunay triangulations. Our performance data from a 16 node SP2 and 32 node Cluster of Sparc Workstations suggest that more than 90% of the latency from remote data gather operations can be masked effectively at the cost of increasing communication overhead between 2 and 20% of the total run time. Despite the increase in the communication overhead the latency-tolerant mesh generation kernel we present in this paper can generate tetrahedral meshes for parallel field solvers eight to nine times faster than the traditional approach.




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